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Brand Partnerships

Looking for a marketing partner to elevate your brand or spotlight your latest product? Look no further. I partner with companies and brands I genuinely believe in to help you stand out in the crowded, noisy world of Instagram. I’m not like other influencers, I’m a cool influencer. Dope ass, to be exact.

Stand Up

Good comedians are a dime a dozen. Dope comedians are hard to find. I bring a fresh perspective and a good, old fashioned sense of humor the the more serious topics of parenthood, spirituality, and purpose.

My signature topics include:

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More MILF Less Martyr:

You don’t need permission to live your life big.
(But here it is anyway)

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What You Say to Yourself Matters:

Want to be a better person? Start with being nicer to yourself

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Judgment-Free Zone:

It’s OK if being a parent isn’t filling your cup

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Spiritual High Flyer:

How being a parent can be a second chance at childhood